Make a donation today.

Help me turn pain and trauma into meaning.


Your donations allow me to create art without fear of financial stress and to show my art at medical conferences and healthcare industry expos. Fees for a vendor booth at such conventions typically cost $1,000 or more. Because of your help, more nurses, doctors and healthcare folks will connect with art that speaks to them.

While we each have our own unique experiences, I know I am not the only nurse to experience burnout, suffering, and witness death. I need to share my art with the world, to express what cannot be fully expressed with words alone. I hope others find my work insightful, validating, and comforting.

100% of your donation will go towards expanding my art business and connecting with healthcare providers who are also feeling the heaviness of healthcare.

Your contribution, no matter how small, means the world to me.

Hassle-free: donors receive a one-time thank you/receipt email, with the option to opt-in to alerts when new art is released.

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